
Iranian Lifestyle and Its Impact on Liver Health

Iran, a country with a rich history and cultural heritage, is also known for its unique lifestyle and traditional cuisine. However, as in many countries around the world, lifestyle and diet play a significant role in the health of a nation. In recent decades, changes in lifestyle and dietary habits in Iran have impacted the health of the population, including liver health.

Iranian diet and liver health

Iranian cuisine is famous for its richness of flavors and aromas based on a variety of ingredients such as rice, bread, fruits, vegetables, meat, nuts, and spices. However, changes in dietary habits such as increased consumption of fast carbohydrates, fats and processed foods have led to an increase in the prevalence of liver diseases in Iran such as fatty liver disease (FLD) and hepatitis.

Obesity and FLD

Obesity has become a serious problem in Iran in recent decades. Consumption of high-calorie foods, lack of physical activity and lifestyle changes have led to an increase in the number of overweight and obese people. This, in turn, has stimulated the spread of fatty liver disease, which is a serious threat to liver health and can lead to the development of cirrhosis and liver cancer.

Consumption of alcohol and other harmful substances

Although alcohol is banned in Iran, but illegal alcohol consumption is still a problem. Alcohol is a major risk factor for the development of liver diseases such as cirrhosis and fatty liver dystrophy. In addition, drug use can also lead to liver failure and other serious liver diseases.

The role of physical activity and a healthy lifestyle

Maintaining an active lifestyle and a healthy diet play a key role in preventing liver disease. Regular exercise helps control weight, improves overall health, and reduces the risk of liver disease. In addition, a healthy lifestyle including moderate alcohol consumption, quitting smoking and eating a diet rich in fruits, vegetables and protein foods significantly reduce the risk of developing liver disease.


Iranian lifestyle, including diet and physical activity level, has a significant impact on liver health. Increasing awareness of healthy lifestyles, implementing effective liver disease education and prevention programs, and supporting a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the burden of liver disease in Iran and improve public health.

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